Friday, December 18, 2009

x-mas Party's

This is the set of earrings that TJ bought as a gift for me in his class auction. I was very impressed by his thoughtfulness. Truly a good son. So much charm. His dad would be proud.
TJ had fun with his x-mas party yesterday. He received a liscense plate that doubles as a photo album. He actually loves it. He made out better than some of his classmates because it was a white elephant gift exchange. The kids seemed to enjoy it. TJ brought in a orange juice container for his contribution to the gift exchange. It received many laughs. He was quite proud of his cleverness.


Santini said...

Thanks for sharing the story of TJ's Christmas party. Fun stuff.

Have the kids check out my old blog for pictures of the sleeping spaces here. They said they couldn't quite remember all the details.

Retired Professor said...

I had fun g-mail chatting with the kids. Very cool.