Sunday, April 5, 2009

My daughter is 14 and I need to go backwards

Though she does not look super excited. That did change once all the people and teasing arrived. The family did a great job of giving us some distraction from our new reality. Ted was however there very much in spirit and our hearts. A great time was had by all. Unfortunately, she did get older, but also wiser I believe. She has shown great strength and becoming a wonderful young lady.
A beautiful and extremely good cake. My teenager was very pleased. To the wonderful family in Minnesota. Maybe you could imagine finishing up this cake for me.


Santini said...

Hi -- Jim and Emily both left birthday comments for Nikki on my blog. Check them out!


Nice blog post!

Tennis Tousan said...

Happy birthday to Nikki. I'd like a bite of the cake, but I'll just have to imagine what it tastes like. TT